About Us
We love that you are here to learn more about Our Story!

Our Story
Welcome to The Root Health & Wellness. We haven't always been into the holistic journey, but the year 2023 changed our life. Hello, my name is Courtney Kirk. My husband, Nathan Kirk and I started the year 2023 like every other year. In March of 2023, our world was completely flipped upside down. Our son, Remington "Remy" was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, DIPG. A little about Remy...call us biased, but he is absolutely perfect. Always found joy in absolutely everything, LOVED with his whole heart, and ALL BOY! He loved his family, all the sports, and Jesus. We were absolutely devasted to hear the news about our sweet boy, and it came to us at a complete shock. He was not having any symptoms as we found the tumor by accident. We had taken him into the ER after falling and hitting his head at church, checking for a concussion. During our cancer journey with Remy, God led us to natural, holistic medicine. Although, God's will, was to take our baby on November 4th, He showed us how functional medicine can help heal and relieve symptoms. Our purpose behind The Root Health & Wellness is to share the knowledge God sent us, and to share Remy's legacy he left behind. We hope to help you in the future.

Meet the Practioners
Hi! We are Nathan and Courtney Kirk- husband and wife- and the owners of The Root Health and Wellness. We are the licensed practioners behind each therapy we have to offer. We were called to functional medicine during the journey of fighting for our son's life back in 2023. Although, Gods plan is so much bigger and greater than we can imagine, our boy is in the hands of Jesus now. We believe it is our purpose from God to spread the knowledge that He gave us to all of you, by bringing The Root Health and Wellness, and keeping our son, Remy's legacy alive in everything we do.

To our sweet boy
Remy Parker,
We miss you so much but know you are happy and healed in the arms of Jesus. Even though we want you here with us, we have peace knowing that Jesus is the one taking care of you now. We are SO proud of you, and the legacy you have left behind. You have brought many people to know Jesus to be a part of His Kingdom, and I know your story isn't over yet. Daddy and I promise to continue to share your story to bring more people to His Kingdom and share how incredible and perfect you are. Bubba, Lil, and ChaCha miss you so much too. We love to talk about what you would do if you were still with us. You have taught us so much baby boy, and we all will continue to be REMYSTRONG!
Forever Mommy's baby & Daddy's boy!
Our Mission
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
We believe God designed our bodies to heal if we put them in the right position and we are here to help you do that. Our mission is to get back to the basics, to where God intended us to be. We believe this is our purpose from Jesus Christ and we are excited to be here to do our ministry.